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Awful! Doctor Caught SEXTING During Surgery! And That's Not All He Was Accused Of...

gross doctor sext master during surgery
Arthur Zilberstein was a Seattle based anesthesiologist who recently lost his medical license.
The official reason Washington state’s medical board pulled his license was because of a “lack of focus.”
What that actually means is he is accused of SEXTING while on the job!!
He would send sexually explicit selfies and texts in the middle of procedures! Seriously?!
One of his texts apparently read:

“I’m hella busy with C sections”

Another said:

“…My partner walked in as I was pulling up my scrubs. I’m pretty sure he caught me”

Zilberstein was actively sexting a patient at Swedish Medical, where he worked.
He had invited her to visit the hospital for sex, trying to arrange meetings in the doctors lounge. The creep even got his hands on her medical records “not for medical purposes, but in order to view… for his own sexual gratification.”
That’s so disgusting.
On top of all that, he’s also accused of prescribing drugs without keeping proper records.
We’re glad this guy’s license got revoked because seriously that’s super gross and inappropriate. Get it together, dude — and choose a different profession.
[Image via Twitter.]

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Jun 12, 2014 16:25pm PDT