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Brooke Hogan

Brooke Hogan Drops Second Album, Music Industry Covers Their Ears

Brooke Hogan Drops Second Album, Music Industry Covers Their Ears


We think we might have mentally blocked out the fact that Brooke Hogan is not only a reality celebudaughter, but also a “recording artist”. What she records might not actually make her an artist, but it worked well enough that someone gave her a second chance!

On July 21st, Brooke’s sophomore album, The Redemption, will be released. The press release really talks up the music.

It boasts, “On The Redemption, fans will take notice as Brooke solidifies herself not only as a pop singer but as a songwriter with style. The album is a pop wonderland with up-beat, sexy dance rhythms and hip-hop influences, all overlaid with Brooke’s signature voice.”

Uh-huh. We’ll see about that!

Her latest single to come off the record is called Hey Yo and that will hit radios on June 28th.

Bet this was one of the songs she wrote on account of that catchy title!

Get a taste of Brooke’s “signature voice” here!

[Image via WENN.]

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Jun 17, 2009 18:15pm PDT

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