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Forget Cohen -- Now Stormy Daniels Is Suing Donald Trump For Defamation!

Forget Cohen -- Now Stormy Daniels Is Suing Donald Trump For Defamation!

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All Donald Trump had to do was admit to having an affair with a porn star while his wife was at home with their newborn baby.
The GOP would have forgiven him. Even the Evangelicals would have forgiven him, apparently. But now this “crazy Stormy Daniels deal” as Trump put it himself during a live TV rant, is going to haunt his entire presidency.
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A federal judge delayed the lawsuit against Trump lawyer Michael Cohen for 90 days (hilariously, based on his “likely” impending indictment), leaving Stormy and hot lawyer Michael Avenatti to file a defamation suit against the POTUS himself.
The Blast was the first to get their hands on the legal docs which make a claim of defamation based on one of Trump’s own tweets about the sketch of the thug who allegedly threatened Stormy:

That “total con job” line is a pretty overt accusation of fraud, according to the new claim.
Avenatti writes in the suit:

“Mr. Trump’s statement falsely attacks the veracity of Ms. Clifford’s account of the threatening incident that took place in 2011. It also operates to accuse Ms. Clifford of committing a crime under New York law, as well as the law of numerous other states, in that it effectively states that Ms. Clifford falsely accused an individual of committing a crime against her when no such crime occurred. Mr. Trump’s statement is false and defamatory.”

The suit further states Stormy “has been exposed to death threats and other threats of physical violence, causing her both emotional and economic damages” since Trump’s Twitter attack.
She is seeking $75K in damages — though with that low a sum we suspect this is less about the money and more about outing the truth.
What do YOU think??
[Image via ABC.]

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Apr 30, 2018 17:25pm PDT