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Ellen to Marry at the Bush Crawford Ranch?!

Ellen to Marry at the Bush Crawford Ranch?!


First lady Laura Bush and daughter (the recently married) Jenna Bush Hager will appear in next Wednesday’s episode of Ellen.

And, unlike John McCain (boo!), Republican by blood Jenna showed support for Ellen‘s upcoming nups to Portia DeRossi.

In a conversation (taped Thursday) about public figures desiring privacy on their big day, Jenna greenlighted Ellen’s request to use the Bush family compound for her wedding.

Ellen: So, the ranch was a great place to get married – it looked like nobody could fly over and get pictures or bother you, really.

Jenna: Yeah, that was really nice.

Ellen: So, can we borrow it for our wedding, can we get the ranch?

Jenna: Sure!

Ellen: Okay, great!

Aww. We’ve always had a little soft spot in our heart for Jenna.

We all know that the Ellen nups would never happen on the Bush ranch…but wouldn’t it be a great if it actually did happen?!

What a great way to say eff you to John McCain and his like-minded followers.

[Image via Getty Images.]

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May 23, 2008 17:00pm PDT