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Heidi Klum's Sharper Image Ads Banned In Las Vegas For Being Too Sexy?! Judge For Yourself!

Heidi Klum's Sharper Image Ads Banned In Las Vegas For Being Too Sexy?! Judge For Yourself!

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Although Sharper Image has already come out with their Holiday campaign featuring Heidi Klum, there’s one place you won’t be seeing her: Sin City.
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That’s right, the photos been banned from McCarren International Airport in Las Vegas, despite being featured in national newspapers, magazines, and billboards in El Lay and NYC.
According to Clark County, the photos are too sexy!
Apparently, the County prohibits the “the showing of the female breast with less than a fully opaque covering or any portion thereof below the nipple.”
Here’s what Dair Marder, who is the Chief Marketing Officer of Iconix Brand Group, had to say on the ads getting axed:

“We are shocked that the Sharper Image ads featuring Heidi Klum have been banned in Las Vegas– of all places. We believe the campaign is tasteful, beautiful and while sexy not inappropriate, in any way. The reaction to it has been fabulous to date and it is running in all forms of media without any issue.”

We have to agree with Dair on this one! These photos don’t seem THAT racy to us!
Ch-ch-check out all the banned ads (above)!!!

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Dec 19, 2014 22:00pm PDT

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