Jessie James Decker broke down via Instagram Stories this past Tuesday evening, and it was all over bullying.
She’s 33 years old, has three children and a hunky husband, she’s a rich and famous country music star, not to mention a sex symbol with an objectively bangin’ bod — and she STILL has to deal with online body shaming?! Seriously?!?
Photo: Jessie Shows Off Her New Breast Implants In Underwear Selfie
The Flip My Hair singer tried to stay calm at first as she addressed the Reddit page she’d just learned about — apparently dedicated to bullying her. She said:
“I’ve always fluctuated with my weight, up and down. But I have to admit that recently I’ve been sent a reddit page that rips me apart on a daily basis. Apparently they’re talking about how fat I’ve gotten. And how boxy I’ve gotten and how terrible my body looks.”
Ugh! That’s just so unbelievably small and gross of them!
She continued:
“It’s pretty awful, and I cannot believe this is still happening in the world — that people are doing this.”
Same, girl.
It’s extra hurtful for Jessie as she is acutely aware of her weight — which has gone up recently from her previous 115 lbs. She explained:
“Yes, I have gained weight, 100 percent. I used to obsessed over it. I tried to stay a certain weight, and most recently, over the past year, I decided to just let myself live… I work out, and I eat what I want, and I 100 percent am 10 pounds heavier than I used to be.”
She’s also looking great! Obviously no one should be attacking anyone over their body size or shape on the internet, but this is completely ridiculous. We mean, she’s a legit fitness icon ffs!
Speaking directly to the trolls, she challenged:
“How can you wake up and live with yourself? I’m shaking because I cannot believe what I’m reading.”
Oh no! Breaking into tears she pushed through:
“It is hurtful, and I am such a strong, confident person, and I always have been, but it does hurt my heart a little that people are ripping every little thing about me apart. It’s me and it’s bullying and it’s not OK. I hope my daughter doesn’t grow up in a world where people do this to her because it’s wrong.”
She added:
“I think we all need to do better.”
Hear, hear.
Finally she turned her attention where it was more helpful — to other folks out there who are being made to feel bad about not being “perfect” all the time:
“Just know you’re not alone. I’m going to wipe my tears and pull myself together because I’m a mom.”
We still can’t believe this happened! But you know what? There’s an inspirational message to take away from all this.
If even the insanely hot Jessie James Decker is getting body shamed, you really aren’t alone. EVERYONE is getting body shamed. And that means all of it, as much as it stings in the moment, is COMPLETELY F**KING MEANINGLESS!
We hope that helps, y’all!
[Image via Jessie James Decker/Instagram.]