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Joe Alwyn Pulled Insanely Disturbing Prank On His Entire Neighborhood As A Kid! 

Joe Alwyn Pulled This Insanely Disturbing Prank On His Entire Neighborhood As a Kid!

Joe Alwyn was Guilty as Sin when cops caught onto him after this childhood prank!

On Friday’s episode of The Drew Barrymore Show, Taylor Swift‘s ex-boyfriend revealed an INSANE prank he pulled with his brother when he was just 8 years old — and it was so bonkers, it caused cops to come rushing to his neighborhood. OMG!

Related: Taylor Swift Went Back & Edited Joe Alwyn Out Of This Video!

The Brutalist star shared that he and his sibling once delivered blood-soaked letters to his neighbors:

“When I was about 8 years old, I thought it would be a fun idea to prank the neighbors and I wrote some letters. They were prank-y, but they were of the threatening prank-y kind, and they were dipped in fake blood from a toy store. I can’t believe I’m telling this…”

We can’t either! But continue…

“My parents got back from a dog walk and the phone rang and it was a neighbor on the phone to them saying, ‘Have you got one too?’ And me and my brother thought this was really funny ’cause it was working! Success! So we ran upstairs and — I’m not joking, this is true — the street was quickly filled with the entire neighborhood in tears and screaming and worried. And, understandably, they had called the police and Scotland Yard was on its way.”

Scotland Yard?!? The actual cops?! He added:

“Police cars turned up on the road ’cause they’ve got a killer to catch. By this point, I’m thinking I’m going to jail.”


The brothers eventually confessed after three police officers stopped by their home. Joe recalled:

“They stood over me and my brother, and because he’s 18 months older — which is why it’s great to have an older sibling — he was the one that took the brunt of it. I don’t remember what the policeman yelled at me, but they… they yelled.”

Whoa. By the way, if you’re wondering how this even came up in conversation, this was his response to the question: “What’s the funniest thing someone has yelled at you?” Seems like he just wanted an excuse to tell this story ’cause he did not even really have an answer to that question. Hah! We’re pretty sure Drew wanted to know what Swifties had said to him on the red carpet!

Can you imagine being his neighbors? Sounds like he sent terror through the whole town! How’d they even get the idea for this?? It’s so disturbing! Hear him recount this crazy story (below):

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[Image via Big Ticket Entertainment/Paramount Pictures/YouTube]

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Jan 21, 2025 10:00am PDT