Amber Heard

Julia Fox Explains Why She Doesn't Consider Amber Heard Hitting Johnny Depp 'Abuse': 'None Of Us Are Safe'

Julia Fox is opening up about why she defended Amber Heard amid her defamation trial with Johnny Depp, and her latest comments are bound to incite some heated conversations!

If you didn’t know, Kanye West’s former flame publicly stood up for the Aquaman star on Instagram amid the actress’ fight against her ex-husband. During the trial, recordings revealed Amber admitted to hitting the actor during one of their many alleged confrontations. At the time, the Uncut Gems star argued Amber hitting Johnny was NOT abuse because, in her opinion, he held more power in the relationship. She wrote in a since-deleted post:

“Did she hit him? Yes. Was it abuse? No. You need to have power to be able to abuse it. She was 25. He clearly was always way more powerful including physically and financially.”

She went on to claim Johnny was “still controlling [Amber’s] life by suing her all over the world.” Not only was the Italian-American beauty off the mark (abuse of power and abuse can be two different things as both partners in a relationship can be abusive to the other), but she faced a ton of backlash for the comment!

Related: Amber Deleted Her Twitter Account When Ex Elon Musk Took Over!

It was also a fairly uncommon take on the trial, especially considering the jury largely sided with the Pirates of the Caribbean star over claims Amber defamed him in a 2018 Washington Post op-ed. Despite the results of the court case and the internet’s harsh reaction to her defense, Julia is standing by her opinion. On Tuesday’s episode of Emily Ratajkowski’s podcast High Low, the 32-year-old insisted “none of us are safe” following the court’s ruling. Emily first brought up the topic by praising Julia’s decision to stick up for Amber, saying:

“I wanna talk to you about standing up for Amber Heard because I just thought that was really incredible…”

Julia responded:

“Thank you, that was crazy! I feel there is a movement on TikTok regarding Amber and Johnny when people read all the documents, like a backtrack, but still the damage is done. I did have to say something because if it could happen to Amber Heard who is a white, blonde, beautiful, successful actress — because people say she had no career before him, she had over 10 movies, I think — none of us are safe. I just feel compelled to say something. Guys, you don’t realize, this is going to damage humanity, all of the women in the world are going to suffer from this.”


She clearly isn’t changing her tune, but she did acknowledge how complex abusive relationships can be, adding:

“Abuse is so insidious and sometimes you don’t even know you’re being abused and sometimes you don’t want to see yourself as a victim and you try to be tough and fight back and say ‘we fight each other.’ It’s like bitch, we know he whoops your f**king ass.”

A bit of a harsh way to put it! There are so many reasons someone might not expose their abuser — whether because they fear for their safety, worry about retribution, or cannot fully process what is happening to them at the moment. But this is apparently why Julia found it so important to speak openly in the Zombieland star’s defense, she explained:

“I always stand up for women in a situation because I’ve been there and I know how lonely it is. I know how scary it is when people you’ve been looking at your whole life are looking at you funny, it’s like, ‘I’m not a liar.’ Call me any name in the book but I’m not a liar.”

Emily went on to slam “the way people turned [Amber] into this hysterical character” throughout the trial, largely on social media, with Julia retorting:

“I know, it’s f**ked up.”

Following the weeks-long trial, Amber was ordered to pay her ex-husband $10.35 million while she was awarded $2 million for her countersuit. Both celebs have filed an appeal, so their legal issues continue. In the meantime, the actress is said to be in Europe focusing on raising her 18-month-old daughter Oonagh.

Related: Johnny Depp Seemingly Takes Aim At Amber Heard On New Album!

Interestingly, Emily and Julia — who each have one child — believe parenting is the next best way to combat toxic masculinity and potential abuse in the future. Emily shares a 1-year-old son, Sylvester, with her ex-husband Sebastian Bear-McClard. (They split earlier this year over cheating allegations.) Meanwhile, Julia shares an almost 2-year-old son, Valentino, with her ex Peter Artemiev. Emily revealed she is trying to “balance” Sylvester’s obsession with toy trucks by mixing in toys normally targeted at girls. Despite how “excited” he gets by “things with wheels,” she wondered:

“But is this just what he likes naturally?”

The 31-year-old went on to say it makes her “so sad” to think about her little boy being pressured to “toughen up” as he gets older. She continued:

“I’m like, are those the little ways you can start making sure the conditioning doesn’t happen? And spending a lot of time around women?”

Julia’s done the same thing with her son, buying Valentino a pink truck and a “little stroller with a doll in it.” Expressing similar worries, she mused:

“It’s hard as a single mom, raising a son, you just don’t want them to end up like every single guy you’ve ever met, you know? How do I stop this conditioning from occurring?”

Earlier this year, Emily told Interview magazine she was trying to raise her baby in a “genderless” way so he would not be influenced to act a certain way — but she was struggling to get others to do the same:

“Babies have this genderless quality to them, and so I love affording that to him right now. I’ve just been treating him as this wonderful little human who’s being introduced to the world.”

She continued:

“Sometimes I feel frustrated by that because I think there’s even a tendency to throw a little boy in the air, be a little bit rougher with them than you would a little girl. That stuff already bothers me because I can see where it’s leading.”

It’s certainly a very interesting perspective. It’s good to know they are trying to create real-world change for the next generation, but do you agree with their comments about Amber? Is it not abuse if you’re also the alleged victim? Let us know your thoughts on this hot topic (below)!

[Image via Nicky Nelson/WENN/MEGA]