Wow. Kelly Dodd has joined the ranks of TV personalities Dr. Drew, Dr. Oz, and Dr. Phil in putting out some of the worst coronavirus hot takes we’ve ever heard. Are we sure she isn’t actually going by TV’s Dr. Kelly??
First, while defending her decision to take a flight from New York to California without knowing if she was infected, she seemed to question the seriousness of the pandemic, writing on Instagram:
“If it’s dangerous why are the airlines still flying?”
Then she called the virus “God’s way of thinning the herd!” Seriously, WTF, gurl??
If that gave you the impression of a woman out of touch with what regular people affected by the pandemic are actually going through, the Real Housewives of Orange County star’s next rant pretty much solidified it.
Related: Dr. Phil & Dr. Oz Apologize For Their Comments
In a series of IG Story vids in which she very much appears to be drunk off her ass, Kelly shares her deep thoughts on the virus, saying:
“If you look in the grand scheme of things, we’re not really suffering… not suffering… or being in the holocaust. That’s suffering. We have to wear a mask and go outside and here we are complaining like a bunch of babies. Like, it’s kinda screwed up. We’re thinking like, ‘Oh, we’re suffering.’ In that last hundred years, and your grandparents all lived there, did we really, are we really suffering? Really? Not really.”
As if that weren’t enough, she doubled down in another couple videos, saying:
“This pandemic isn’t real bad in the grand scheme of things. Think about what has happened in World War I, World War II, where people are hiding under barricades in England, and bombs are going off, and here we are complaining that we can’t socialize and have to wear a mask. Can you imagine in today’s world, if bombs were going off, and World War I, World War II was happening?”
Trying to put things in “perspective” she continued:
“Can you imagine being in the holocaust? This is nothing! This pandemic is absurd.”
OK, where to start?
We understand the thought process of saying we should be thankful because things could always be worse — and certainly the victims of genocide had it worse.
But this idea that no one is suffering??
Kelly only thinks that because she isn’t suffering. She’s talking from the safety of her mansion about the minimal impact on her life. She doesn’t have to keep going to an essential job where every day she might get infected. She doesn’t have to worry whether she’ll get evicted when all this is over because she has no way to pay the back rent because her job was on hold.
She hasn’t had to sit in a hospital room and watch as a loved one struggled to take their last breaths and succumbed to the virus because there weren’t enough ventilators to go around. THAT is something people are going through right now. And it could happen to far more people if we allow the virus to spread. Maybe even someone Kelly knows.
Here’s an idea for all those with this idea that everyone else is going through exactly what you are… Be thankful that YOU haven’t really suffered, but when it comes to the rest of us, maybe keep your ears open and your loud mouth shut.
[Image via Bravo/YouTube/Kelly Dodd/Instagram.]
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