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Alicia Silverstone

Kourtney Kardashian And Alicia Silverstone Feed Their Children Alternative Diets

Hollywood starlets aren’t the only people who are taking on alternative diets to stay healthy.
Now, their children are being forced inheriting the new “unusual eating habits” fad so that they can become even pickier eaters!
Kourtney Kardashian is one celeb mom who chooses to remove wheat, nuts, and meats from her 2-year-old son Mason‘s diet.
And it all started when Kourt realized that Mason was allergic to peanut butter and he began to break out in hives.
She says:

“Friday night Mason ate some peanut butter and had a little allergic reaction to it. He threw up within minutes of tasting it and got hives on his face. I called 911, and the fire department came immediately. They suggested that we take him to the hospital, so we did. He was in good spirits the whole time and didn├óΓé¼Γäót even know anything was wrong. He even enjoyed riding in the ambulance. He’s such a good boy!”

Aww, poor Masey! Glad he’s okay now.
Other celeb mommas who are giving their children alternative diets include Alicia Silverstone who is vegan.
She speaks about giving her son Bear a plant-based diet:

“Bear was grown on vegan food, and we├óΓé¼Γäóll continue nourishing him with a healthy diet. He’ll be eating an organic, plant-based diet. I intend to take great care of his precious, new baby body, so I’m committed to giving him nothing but the purest and most healthy food possible. We want to keep his immune system strong so that he’ll be super healthy, which is just one of the many reasons he’ll eat vegan.”

And Madonna feeds her son Rocco Ritchie a vegetarian, macrobiotic, organic diet that is identical to what she feeds herself.
Hollywood tots are definitely eating a whole more different than what the average child is eating. Of course, children should be eating healthy, especially during their most formative years, but are some moms going too far??
[Image via WENN.]

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Dec 02, 2011 15:00pm PDT