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Robin Williams' Hook Co-Star Dante Basco (AKA Rufio) Posts A Poignant Tribute To The Late Comedian!

dante basco posts touching tribute to robin williams
As the touching tributes poor in from Hollywood, we see how big of an impact Robin Williams truly had on the world.
Whether he brought joy as Genie in Aladdin or taught you life lessons in Mrs Doubtfire, the legendary actor influenced a lot of people.
One of those is Dante Basco aka the boy who played Rufio in Hook.
Filled with sadness upon hearing the news of Robin’s death, he took to his blog to write a heartfelt tribute to the actor.
Among many more touching words, Dante said:

‘Although working with him changed my life, in truth, he impacted me several years before when Dead Poet├óΓé¼Γäós Society became one of my favorite films and really started me being interested in poetry, at which I later became a poet.
I was lucky to work with him as an actor and witness first hand the magic of what made him a legend, the wit and other worldly improv skills. As well as see him single handedly put the morale of a movie set, easily hundreds of people, on his shoulders and kept everyone laughing as they worked long hours for what seemed like months on end…’

Wow. We just can’t imagine the pain everyone feels at the news.
It’s clear that Robin really DID have a HUGE impact on everyone he worked with.
Bangarang, Robin, bangarang.
If you like, you can read Dante’s entire post HERE, but make sure you get some tissues ready.

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Aug 12, 2014 16:40pm PDT