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SeaWorld Fires Back At Tommy Lee

Who knew Tommy Lee‘s letter was FULL of fighting words!
As reported earlier, the Motley Crue drummer sent a letter to SeaWorld, tag-teamed with PETA, to DEMAND the water park stop blasting Crue music and hurting its killer whales.
Turns out, SeaWorld doesn’t even play Motley Crue…EVA!
Yikes! Awkward turtle anyone???
SeaWorld rep Fred Jacobs says the following on Tommy/PETA’s lack of foresight:

I can assure you, the volume of music played during parts of our killer whale shows poses no risk at all to our animals.
We have never played a Motley Crue song in any Shamu show, nor will we.

Jacobs goes on to say that Tommy and PETA are confused on not only the song choice, but the effects that music has on sea critters.
Tommy claims his evidence is supported by the United Nations wildlife panel and other sources.
He might want to chalk this one up as a loss…
[Image via WENN.]

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Aug 15, 2012 16:00pm PDT

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