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Man Found A Snake In A Starbucks Toilet! It Came In Through The Pipes!

man found a snake in a starbucks toilet it came in through the pipes

Most people know that if you’re out and about and you gotta go to the bathroom – Starbucks is a safe bet to let you do your business!

Well apparently one snake knew this information, too!

A Starbucks customer named Bruce Ahlswede stopped inside a San Antonio Starbucks’ bathroom, and found a snake wrapped around the toilet bowl!

Bruce must’ve had to go number 2 because instead of using the bathroom – he went and got a Starbucks employee.

Here’s what Bruce said:

“I said ‘Hey you’ve got a snake in your bathroom’ and she’s kind of freaking out.”

When a crowd of people gathered around the bathroom – the snake decided to vamoose and left THROUGH THE PIPES!!!

But not before Bruce’s wife Michele snapped a picture of it!

Here’s what she wrote in the picture’s caption on her Facebook:

“It had to have crawled up the pipes. I have heard of it happening but have never seen it in person. It’s a python, guess he like coffee also.”

Animal experts say the snake wasn’t dangerous and was not poisonous. Starbucks says that particular store is definitely safe despite the fact that they haven’t caught the snake!

We guess the moral of the story is, next time you use the Starbucks bathroom, check the toilet before you sit down! Especially in Texas apparently!

Otherwise you might soon realize that you’re not alone!!!


[Image via Facebook.]

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Sep 08, 2013 10:01am PDT