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Twilight Star Terror Behind The Wheel! Cam Gigandet SUED!

Ouch! Someone has forgotten he’s not really a vampire!
As Twi-hards are well aware, vampires are EXCELLENT drivers, because of their heightened senses and dashingly good looks. (Yep, that’s a factor.)
But such is not the case for former Twilight star Cam Gigandet, who is being sued for rear-ending another vehicle while driving his car last year. According to Jacqueline Nia, who filed the lawsuit this morning and CLEARLY is not on Team James, Cam rammed her from behind while she was driving on Santa Monica Blvd.
She claims that she suffered some pretty serious injuries and is looking for quite a bit of dough to cover her medical expenses, as well as some unspecified damages.
First of all lady, where were you a year ago with this complaint? Did you mention this to the cop that was on the scene? We’re assuming one came, or else you have no documentation that Cam came anywhere near you, much less rammed you from behind.
AND FURTHERMORE – You get to say that sentence and have it be the truth! You get to tell ALLL YOUR FRIENDS that Cam Gigandet, the hunky, vampy-vamp-vamp from Twilight, hit you from behind.
Do you have any idea how many people who would DIE (and then come back to life) to be able to say that?
Man, life after Twilight is rough for some, huh?!
[Image via WENN.]

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Jan 15, 2013 22:04pm PDT

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