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Twilight Screenwriter Admits The Series Is Garbage.

It’s pretty sad when even the writer herself realizes what she’s producing is trash!
Melissa Rosenberg, the poor woman who went from being praised for her writing on Dexter to being cursed with the task of trying to make Stephenie Meyer‘s shiteous Twilight novels watchable on screen, is admitting that there’s nothing particularly good about the sparkly vampire attack against women.
She says:

“Is it high art? No. But it’s not trying to be.”

Nobody says it has to be, bb! But it should at least try to be watchable!
Guess you don’t really have to make the effort when there’s a built-in audience of middle-aged moms clinging to their youth who are willing to line up days before the premiere, just to see a movie about a push-over of a young woman with no personality getting controlled by a possessive vampire who only likes her because he wants to eat her!
That shiz sells itself! Bwa ha ha!

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Jun 22, 2010 15:52pm PDT

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