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Unhappy Valentine's Day: Woman Dumps BF With Billboard!!

unhappy valentines day woman dumps bf with billboard
This is the oldest message we’ve seen since the Valentine’s Day massacre!
A woman in England known only as Laura purchased space on a digital billboard for a special message for her BF on Valentine’s day! GTFO! It reads:

I’m leaving you for Gary.
Your clothes are at your mum’s & I’ve changed the locks.
Sorry to do this on Valentine’s Day.

Is she really sorry?
Because as we understand it, the ad is going to run for a month in a parking garage frequented by her soon-to-be ex.
Eesh! At least February only has 28 of the WORST DAYS OF YOUR LIFE!
We’re sorry, Dan!
[Image via Twitter.]

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Feb 15, 2013 01:03am PDT

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