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CMT Music Awards

Nashville's Audrey Peeples & Chris Cormack Go Goth At The CMT Awards

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It’s Layla Grant and Will Lexington IRL!!
You may only get that reference if you’re a fan of the duo’s ABC show Nashville, but whatever.
Audrey Peeples and Chris Cormack are two attractive talented performers, so you should know about them! LOLz!
The Gem and the Holograms actress decided to take a dip into the dark side at the CMT Music Awards, wearing an oversized cape dress. She paired the striking frock with heavy makeup, odd silver sandals, and messy locks.
Le sigh.
Chris, however, looked sharp and polished, finishing the ensem off with some killer two-tone shoes!
One out of two ain’t bad, right?!
[Image via Getty Images.]

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Jun 10, 2015 20:59pm PDT