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Danielle Staub

Housewives Star Danielle Staub Explains Why She Abandoned The Pole


We know it’s been awhile, but ya’ll remember Danielle Staub, don’t you? Maybe this will refresh your memory …


Yeah, you remember.

Anyway, since she left the Real Housewives of New Jersey, Danielle is trying to find her way in the world. It seemed like she hit her proverbial jackpot when Scores, one of the finest strip club chains in the nation, agreed to sign her to a three year exclusive contract that would find her performing in the best clubs across the country. However, shortly after some nude pictures of Danielle leaked online, she reneged on the deal and hasn’t spoken about it since.

Until now!

Breaking her silence since she was sued for breach of contract, Danielle explains why she pulled out of the gig in the first place. She reveals:

├óΓé¼┼ôThat├óΓé¼Γäós in litigation right now. I wasn├óΓé¼Γäót handled properly, I’m going to put it that way. But I wasn├óΓé¼Γäót there to do what ended up being and if you look at my eyes all I can say is you can see something is wrong. Something went very wrong.├óΓé¼┬¥

Um, what? We get the first part – whoever you hired signed you up for this gig without your permission, allegedly. But what’s this about your eyes? What are we supposed to be seeing in your eyes? Pain? Sorrow? A panini?

Look, strip or don’t strip. Frankly, we couldn’t care less. Our question is, when are you going to out of the blue show up at the Brownstone and cause the kind of mayhem to Teresa, Caroline and Jacqueline’s life that only you can??? When’s that going to play out, huh????

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Aug 11, 2011 21:00pm PDT

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