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Darren Criss

The Details Behind Darren Criss Meeting Michelle Bachmann And Whitney Houston!

The Details Behind Darren Criss Meeting Michelle Bachmann And Whitney Houston!

Kid gets around!
The time is now for Darren Criss. He’s the breakout star of Glee, he’s kicking ass in his Broadway debut and we imagine there are just so many more good things for him around the corner. In fact, we don’t see this star fading for a long, loooooong time. And we’re quite alright with that.
As he’s quite a hot commodity these days, Details Magazine sat down with our Warbler to talk to him about getting on Broadway, his politics and his celebrity encounters. Here are some of the HIGHlights:

On meeting Michelle Bachmann:
“I never let my politics supersede my manners. She came up with her husband and was sweet as can be. She was like, ‘My kids love the show. I don’t watch it myself, but I’d love it if you could sign these postcards.’ It dawned on me that she didn’t know what the hell Glee was.”
On wearing a bow tie in both Glee and How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying:
“I’ve been pigeonholed.”
On his fans:
“What’s funny is that the moms always feel like they have to qualify everything. ‘I’m here for my daughter. Can I get a picture?’ You don’t have to apologize for liking Glee. My joke is the fans are either 16 or 60. What I wouldn’t give to have someone come back who wasn’t a mom or a teenager.”
On what it’s like getting so much attention early in his career:

“Hollywood is a strange, strange thing. I feel like I’ve been invited to a very exclusive ball and I’m just trying to make nice with everybody and hope that if they kick me out they’ll at least give me a ride home.”
On the most surreal moment during his meteoric rise:
“I never thought I would meet Mariah Carey, but I really never thought I’d be introduced to her by Whitney Houston. She’s like, ‘Hey, baby, this is Mariah.’ I’m like, ‘I know. I’m Darren. I don’t know what I’m doing here.’”

OMG! When the hell did that happen? We would’ve probably fallen down to our knees and started to cry! To be in the presences of two such divine divas — such a moment!
But you know what? There are going to be plenty more like that in the coming years. No doubt this guy is going to continue on to so many wonderful things.
We just… we just… We love you Darren!!!

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Jan 12, 2012 23:15pm PDT