Tsk, tsk.
On Monday, it was revealed that David Foster has ZERO interest in paying spousal support to Yolanda Hadid. WHAT?
According to court documents, the Grammy winner has requested that the court terminate their ability to award spousal support to the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star. Is David sweatin’ those medical bills?
Related: Kyle Richards Says Yolanda Is ‘Very Hard’ To Get Close To
Who knows. However, the documents also ask that Gigi Hadid‘s momma not be responsible for paying anything to her ex.
Hmm, very inneresting. Perhaps, rather than deal with alimony, the twosome are just dividing their assets and calling it a day?
As you may know, Miz Hadid and the industry vet announced they were calling it quits on their four year long marriage back in December. Prior to officially filing for divorce in January, Yo went onto reveal that her battle with Lyme disease certainly affected her relationship.
Nonetheless, at the time of her filing, Yolanda was seeking both spousal support and legal fees from Foster. Huh.
Still, this is David’s fourth divorce so he probably knows what he’s doing by now! LOLz.
[Image via WENN.]
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