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Do Only Humans Have Sex For Pleasure??

Humans have a lot of sex.
Some more than others.
Compared to other species, humans have sex for more than just reproduction and (sometimes) for more than just the sheer pleasure of it.
Science has long studied sex, and tried to figure out why it is so pleasurable. We can only assume if sex didn’t feel good, then why would anyone do it?
So then, maybe all animals are having sex for pleasure?
One thing that many studies have looked at is the frequency of masturbation in different species.
A surprising amount of animals bop their bologna.
Masturbation has been seen in dogs, horses, birds, walruses, squirrels, sheep, turtles, bears, elephants and porcupines.
What science has found, is that these animals extremely rarely ever “get off.”
Researchers believe it’s the human ability to “form mental representations of erotic material” that allows us to reach a climax so often.
When it comes to sex (with another, not just yourself) the rumors are true for the most part that dolphins and bonobo chimps are mainly the only other animals that have sex even when the female isn’t in “heat.”
So even though sex may seem relatively animalistic, it’s actually one of the more human things you can do.
So get out there and be human! (Consensual humans, please.)
[Image via AP Images.]

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Nov 14, 2011 11:00am PDT