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Does Incline Running Give You Bigger Or Slimmer Legs?

Does Incline Running Give You Bigger Or Slimmer Legs?

Mike D extreme burn
A curious Perezcious reader had a question for one of our resident experts, personal trainer Mike Donavanik.
Here’s what she wanted to know:

Does running on an incline slim down and tone up the legs or just make them bigger through building muscle?

Great question! That’s something we’ve never thought about, but we’re sure Mike has. And truth be told, we’re just as curious as you are now too!
Here’s Mike’s answer:

Running on an incline will help slim you down – when you combine it with a restricted calorie diet – and tone your legs and butt! Running is a cardiovascular exercise, so you won’t get bulky from doing it.
The only way women can get bulky muscles is through eating an extremely high calorie diet, lifting extremely heavy weights and/or taking steroids. Otherwise, don’t fret about building muscle. Building muscle is a good thing! Lean muscle will help you burn more calories, decrease body fat and give you an overall toned physique. Women don’t have enough testosterone in their bodies to build bulk like a man; so don’t be scared of lifting weights or resistance training – it’s good for you!

Sounds like he knows what he’s talking about!
Thanks, Mike! Appreciate it!
And if U have a question you’d like answered, write [email protected] or tweet @MikeDonavanik! We’d love to hear from you!

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Oct 11, 2011 10:30am PDT

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