WTF?! Seriously???
When we say we’re worried Donald Trump is going to double down on every corrupt intention and dangerous impulse after not facing any consequences? This is what we’re talking about!
A new report seems to show evidence that Trump has offered Stormy Daniels hush money to keep quiet about their sexual encounter before the election. Wait, what year is it?? Yeah, you read that right. This JUST happened. Again.
Per the MSNBC bombshell, Stormy owed Trump some money for legal fees. Trump was convicted earlier this year of falsifying business records for hiding hush money payments to the porn star. But that was the criminal case. In her civil cases, largely filed by her disgraced former lawyer Michael Avenatti, Stormy didn’t do so well. Some of the filings — including a defamation case — got dismissed, and she ended up having to pay Trump. Oof.
Video: Trump Town Hall Goes OFF THE RAILS… Seriously, Is He OK?!
OK, so she was negotiating the final amount owed, which can vary based on interest, that kind of thing. Apparently, she thought $620k, Trump said $650k — when the Trump team sent her the craziest thing. Stormy was evidently recording the moment for posterity — as she thought her lawyer was about to tell her that they had agreed on a number, and this was all finally over. Instead, what she got on camera was the moment she was told Trump was offering her the chance to pay a lower amount — provided she sign an NDA and keep her mouth shut until the election was over. Money in exchange for silence. HUSH MONEY! AGAIN!
And once again, it would have been hidden in a separate financial exchange! WTF!
But it wasn’t just video either. This offer her lawyer told her about was in writing. The July letter, obtained by MSNBC, reads:
“We disagree that a payment of $620,000 would be in full satisfaction of the three judgments. However, we can agree to settle these matters for $620,000, provided that your client agrees in writing to make no public or private statements related to any alleged past interactions with President Trump, or defamatory or disparaging statements about him, his businesses and/or any affiliates or his suitability as a candidate for President.”
They can agree to $620k instead of $650k. In other words, they’re offering her the $30k different as though it were 30 pieces of silver — to stop talking about Trump cheating on Melania right after she gave birth. To stop talking about stuff like, say, the size of his penis… Or the fact that he allegedly dangled a Celebrity Apprentice role in front of her before the sex. $30k. To essentially just go away.
Again: that’s hush money, y’all.
We doubt this would rise to the level of illegality, as this isn’t fraudulently hiding the hush money as a business expense. But it’s still blatantly all about covering this up before the election! The letter even explicitly mentions “his suitability as a candidate for President.”
Seems to us they’re trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube here, but still. If Trump really is just counting on winning the election to keep him out of prison, maybe he’ll do anything — anything — to win. Yeesh.
See Stormy’s wild video and more (below)!
[Image via 60 Minutes/Jimmy Kimmel Live/YouTube]
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