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Exorcist Priest Arrested After Allegedly FLOSSING With 13-Year-Old Girl's Hair! WTF?!

Exorcist Priest & Famed Podcast Host Arrested After He Allegedly FLOSSED With 13-Year-Old Girl's Hair!

Well, you don’t have to be possessed to be super effing creepy…

An exorcist priest from Detroit has been arrested after some extremely disturbing accusations about an interaction with a young girl. According to legal docs, back on November 25 Carlos Martins was said to have met the girl at Queen of Apostles Parish in Joliet as part of the Relic of St. Jude’s American Tour.

Joliet Police Department Sergeant Dwayne English told People a teen boy had reported Martins kept making jokes about being bald — before grabbing a 13-year-old girl’s hair and putting it in his mouth. The priest then made a flossing motion with her hair, before eventually sitting in a pew behind her and making “growling” noises. Ewwwwww…

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The priest was ordered to “depart from our parish and out of our Diocese” per a statement from the Diocese of Joliet. The nationwide tour, which was directed by Martins’ evangelistic ministry Treasures of the Church, was even canceled after this incident due to the ongoing investigation. He also hosts a podcast titled The Exorcist Files, but that still seems to be going strong, as his most recent episode was Saturday. We guess iTunes doesn’t have the same strict moral code as the Holy Roman Church?

At the time of the incident, Marcella Burke at the Burke Law Group, wrote a letter to The Pillar in which she explained how the alleged encounter really went down:

“During his conversation with the older students, he made a comment to a student about her long hair, remarking, ‘You and I have almost the same hairstyle,’ a comment met with giggles. He then remarked that he also once had long hair like hers, and he joked he would ‘floss my teeth with it.’ Again, his comment was met with laughter. He then asked the student, ‘Have you ever flossed with your hair?’ Laughing, she shook her head, no. He then said, ‘Well, you have the perfect length for it,’ as he lifted up a lock from her shoulders to show her its length.”

Still sounds pretty weird to us. Like flirting. But they don’t include anything about him actually putting the hair in his teeth, nor about the growling. We guess they’re going with the misunderstanding defense and not blaming Pazuzu.

From there, Burke alleges the student told her father the story, who was then the one to call police. At the time, there were no charges filed after police visited Martins – but now he’s finding himself in hot pea soup!

On Monday, the priest was arrested in Joliet and charged with battery. He pleaded not guilty and was released, but he’ll still have to appear in court in the future on a currently undecided date. Following his arrest, the Archdiocese of Detroit made it clear he is “prohibited from engaging in any public ministry” within their archdiocese.

Martins’ attorney is still maintaining his innocence, however, and said in a statement:

“The evidence will show that Fr. Carlos did not ‘floss’ with a student’s hair or ‘growl’ among other completely false and repulsive accusations — this is a takedown of a good priest and an attempted shakedown of the Church. We are confident in the legal process and look forward to our client being fully exonerated.”

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[Image via Joliet Police Department]

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Jan 31, 2025 13:00pm PDT