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Farrah Abraham

Farrah Abraham Can't Date Guys With Big Peens After Vaginal Rejuvenation!

Farrah Abraham Big Penis Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgery Instagram

Yes, Farrah Abraham is single, but before you shoot your shot you need to understand gurl has some seriously high standards.

Sure, she has a 10-year-old daughter, but we’re not talking about that right now. We mean, the kid has her own Instagram and twerks on Tik Tok, Farrah clearly has the parenting thing down.

No, this is about the former Teen Mom OG star’s more adult needs.

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See, back in December Farrah bought herself a rather unusual Christmas present, a sort of stocking re-stuffer if you will: vaginal rejuvenation.

We know because the reality star also filmed the procedure and posted it on Instagram Live!

Farrah Abraham Vaginal Rejuvenation
(c) Farrah Abraham/Instagram

Since the recovery, the sometime adult entertainer has had to take things a bit easier… or should we say less hard?

In an interview with DailyMailTV, she subtly hinted:

“My life is way different. I will not date certain types of men because of my procedure. I should say it like that.”

Oh, we picked up what she was dropping there alright! LOLz! She’s talking about not letting any more well-endowed gentlemen near her teen mom reunion any time soon. It makes sense to us — a big peen will wreck that thing, and she paid good money for it! We guess she decided she’s going to get as much value out of the procedure as possible, sort of stretch her dollar so to speak.

According to doctors, you’re supposed to wait at least six weeks before having sex for the full surgical option, but Farrah got the less invasive laser treatment, which takes about five days. In fact it was being informative that Farrah says drove her to be so, well, open about the whole thing.

“We went live on Instagram and people actually loved it. A lot of women and men, who are purchasing these procedures for wives and those who have had kids, wanted to know what the down time was. And there really is no down time. And that is why we went live on social media. That is why we worked with Dr. Nazarian, being open, being social and having so much fun makes it less scary.”

How scary is it? Not at all according to Farrah!

“There was no pain. I was like, if something bad happens it is live on Instagram and people are going to know if she is going to mess up. It was no pain, we had fun and everything healed amazing in less than a week. I was super excited how it turned out.”

The MTV personality says she is feeling great afterwards:

“Mentally and physically you are taking better care of yourself, health wise whether it is with your feminine health or mental health. Looking good feeling good always helps you feel healthier.”

Well, there you have it! Feeling grand, just not feeling the grande anymore.

[Image via WENN/Instar.]

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Jan 17, 2020 18:04pm PDT