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Celebrity Feuds

The Feud Continues! Former Oasis Singer Liam Gallagher Is Suing Brother Noel

liam gallagher suing brother noel

Wow. Liam just brought this feud to the next level!

Last month, we were bummed to hear that brothers/former Oasis bandmates Liam and Noel Gallagher were still fighting.

Noel was blaming Liam for the feud, claiming he demanded a free ad for his clothing line Pretty Green to be featured in a tour program…which of course Liam said was a lie.

Noel also claimed that Liam cancelled out on the V Festival in 2009 because he was hungover, which Liam said was a lie.

Guess that must have REALLY hit a nerve with Liam, because he’s now suing his brother over the claims.

Earlier today, Liam released a statement saying that he wants an apology, and he wants Oasis fans to understand that the gig was cancelled because he had laryngitis.

According to Liam’s spokesman, the singer has “issued a writ” at High Court in London against Noel.

Yikes! Maybe you should just apologize to your bro, Noel. This doesn’t seem worth it AT ALL.

Who do U side with here? Do U think Liam really was hungover? Or was it laryngitis?

[Images via WENN.]

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Aug 19, 2011 17:45pm PDT