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Mother Of George Floyd's 6-Year-Old Daughter Tearfully Speaks Out For First Time: 'I Want Justice For Him'

mother of george floyd's daughter speaks out

A little over a week after George Floyd‘s tragic death, the mother of his daughter spoke out at a press conference in Minneapolis.

On Tuesday, Roxie Washington and their daughter Gianna Floyd stood at the podium to demand justice for the late 46-year-old, who was killed after a police officer held his knee on the back of George’s neck for more than eight minutes. Three other officers were at the scene and did nothing.

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Pointing to Gianna, the heartbroken mother emotionally shared with the audience:

“I don’t have a lot to say because I can’t get my words together right now, but I wanted everybody to know that this is what those officers took.”

Roxie added:

“At the end of the day, they get to go home and be with their families. Gianna does not have a father. He will never see her grown up, graduate. He will never walk her down the aisle. If there’s a problem and she needs a dad, she does not have that anymore.”

Before walking off in tears, she concluded:

“I’m here for my baby and I’m here for George because I want justice for him. I want justice for him because he was good no matter what anybody thinks. This is the proof. He was a good man.”

Following a statement from representatives and George’s family, Washington told those in attendance a touching story about when their daughter was born:

“He was so happy to have her. He slept the whole time that I went through labor but when he heard her cry he got up, walked up. I still have a picture of him waking up and seeing her. He loved her, he loved her so much.”

Watch more from the press conference (below):

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Gianna may only be 6-years old, but she is well aware of the impact her father has had on the world in the wake of his death. In a touching video shared on Instagram, Gianna is seen sitting on the shoulders of her dad’s longtime friend, former NBA player Stephen Jackson.

Throwing her arms up in the air, smiling GiGi proudly declares:

“Daddy changed the world!”

The 42-year-old basketball player, who has referenced Floyd as his “twin” in the wake of his passing, captioned the clip:

“That’s right GiGi “Daddy changed the world” ????? George Floyd the name of change. #justiceforgeorgefloyd#ivehadenough Love to all who have love for all ✊?✊?✊?✊?✊?✊”

Ch-ch-check out the moving vid (below):

[Image via CBS News/YouTube.]

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Jun 03, 2020 07:33am PDT

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