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Jinger Duggar Can't Help Crying Discussing Josh Duggar Child Porn Scandal On GMA

Jinger Duggar Talks Josh GMA

[Warning: Potentially Triggering Content]

Jinger Duggar Vuolo is revisiting her difficult family life ahead of the release of her memoir.

The 29-year-old former reality TV star is set to debut her new book Becoming Free Indeed on Tuesday. So, to promo that book about her tough and uncertain faith journey, Jinger has been making the media rounds.

As we previously reported, she spoke candidly with People earlier this month about her very strict religious upbringing. Of course, fans got to watch some of that play out for years on 19 Kids And Counting. On the show, father Jim Bob Duggar and mother Michelle presided over the endlessly-growing family and their all-encompassing Christian lifestyle. Their particular philosophy used religion to teach their daughters to be subjugated to men — and their boys to think of women as inherently sinful.

Related: Church Members Blame Josh Duggar’s WIFE For His Child Porn Problem?!

On Monday morning, Jinger sat down with Good Morning America journalist Juju Chang to talk more about the memoir, her on-air past with TLC, and her faith. As in other recent interviews, the mom of two focused much of the interview with Chang on her childhood in the church. Like she does in the to-be-released memoir, Jinger spoke about growing up under the limiting religious teachings of her father along with since-disgraced minister Bill Gothard.

However, Chang also asked about the most sensitive subject: Jinger’s older brother. Josh Duggar is, of course, serving a 12-year sentence in federal prison right now after being found guilty of the possession of child pornography. Since Jinger’s book centers on the shame of “cult-like” religious experiences from her youth, the GMA host asked whether there was a connection between that and Josh’s shameful acts and subsequent conviction:

“You also pointed out [in the book] that this hypocrisy mirrors the hypocrisy of your own brother, who committed his own set of unspeakable sins and crimes.”

Immediately, Jinger became emotional upon hearing that line of questioning. In response, as tears welled in her eyes, she tried to answer before struggling to find the words.

As she wiped tears away, Jinger said this of her brother’s shocking scandal:

“Sorry, I just — it’s hard to talk about.”

After a pause, she added:

“I know that — that’s a whole other thing. It is difficult to talk about.”

No kidding.

The mom of two didn’t dive too far into a commentary on Josh’s conviction. Instead, she noted that she addresses some of the aftermath in her book. And she’s trying to pray for the families of those affected by Josh’s actions:

“I talk a little about that in the book, and how my heart just breaks for the victims and their families. And just for all the trail of pain that’s been left behind.”

It sounds like Jinger isn’t close with her older brother at this point, either. After he was first convicted late in 2021, Jinger spoke out about the “horrific evil” he had done. So it comes as little surprise to hear Jinger hasn’t spoken to him since.

Related: Josh Is Still Holding Out Hope For A New Trial In Child Porn Case…

When Chang asked whether the woman has reached out to her 34-year-old brother since he was convicted, Jinger replied:

“No, I haven’t. No, I haven’t spoken to him. I think the best thing I could do is just pray for him.”

You can watch the full exchange as part of Jinger’s GMA interview (below):


Of course, Jinger spoke a bit about Josh during her aforementioned chat with People earlier this month, too. In that convo, she admitted she had “no desire” to talk to her older brother, and added:

“I am always here for [Josh’s wife] Anna and the kids at any point that they would want to talk, or in any way I could help and love on them. I know that they’ve just been through so much and so I just always am here for them whenever they need help.”

Clearly, Jinger is trying to do her best to move on along while living in Los Angeles with her husband, Jeremy Vuolo, and their two children Felicity, 4, and Evie, 2.

As we noted up top, Becoming Free Indeed will be released on Tuesday. Will you be picking up a copy, Perezcious readers?

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[Image via GMA/YouTube/Washington County Detention Center]

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Jan 30, 2023 13:00pm PDT