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Reward Being Organized!

Reward Being Organized!

John Trosko Organizer
The Academy Awards have come and gone but one thing they’ve taught us is that awards can really motivate and provide incentive.
When you’re planning on clearing out your closet, or the basement also plan on some sort of award (or reward) system that appropriately recognizes the time you’ve put in (the larger the project or task, the bigger the reward). Use the reward to keep you focused and accomplish the job.
Examples of rewards could be a manicure/pedicure, massage, yoga lessons, a healthy treat at the coffee house, or even a new pair of shoes. If you and your family are planning this winter to organize a spring garage sale, establish a reward goal with them for what you’ll do with proceeds from the sale. A family dinner out, movie night and a weekend camping trip are a great way to reward your family for working together.
Tweet your thoughts and challenges to @johntrosko or visit John Trosko├óΓé¼Γäós blog OrganizingLA! If U├óΓé¼Γäóve got questions, he├óΓé¼Γäós got answers — and if U wanna more about reward tips OR anything else, U can always email us at [email protected]!!

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Mar 01, 2013 17:33pm PDT

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