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Kid Rock

Viewers SHOCKED As Kid Rock Brazenly Pervs On BBC Reporter Asking Him About Trump Inauguration

Kid Rock Flirts BBC News Presenter Caitriona Perry Trump Inauguration Video

Does Kid Rock feel like he can do whatever he wants now that his pal is president again??

The Bawitdaba singer was invited on BBC News Monday morning to talk about his buddy Donald Trump being inaugurated. Kid Rock as a political pundit?! Hey, why not, he’s probably a couple months away from being appointed as a federal judge.

But the rocker quickly showed his lack of class as he started creeping on the female reporter!

Related: That Time Fans Learned Kid Rock’s Osmosis Jones Song Is About Sex With Underage Girls!

Irish reporter Caitriona Perry was one of the presenters the BBC sent to Washington, DC to cover the inauguration ceremony — probably when everyone thought it was going to be outside on the mall like always. She was speaking to Kid Rock from outside the Capitol, in the cold when she asked his plans for the day. He joked he may visit the Canadian embassy and

“What about you, what are you doing, where you at?”

She told him she was on a rooftop in DC in “very chilly conditions” and would be for “11 or 12 hours,” affably pointing out he was going to have more fun today. Then he asked out of nowhere:

“I can’t see you right now so I don’t know what you look like…”

Perry ignored the weirdness of the question and kept the talk centered on the weather she’d mentioned, saying:

“I look like I’m waiting to hit the slopes I can tell you. I’m in full on ski gear here with my hat, gloves, the whole thing. You have to wrapped up against he elements, don’t you?”

But Kid made his actual intentions clear, just descending into full-on hitting on her:

“I love to go skiing. You sound sexy, wanna go with me?”

Perry quickly shut him down in as courteous a way as possible, responding:

“Well, we won’t get into that around here so… There will be no skiing today, we’ve got a day of broadcasting to do but Kid Rock, thank you so much for joining us here on BBC News, enjoy your day.”

See the icky minute for yourself (below)!

Viewers were flummoxed by what they’d just seen, posting:

“I can’t believe I just listened to Kid Rock just perv over a journalist on the BBC, gotta be one of the most awkward things I’ve listened to in years”

“Why are the @BBCnews allowing cretins like Kid Rock on to lie unchecked and hit on news presenters?? A symptom of the decaying political leadership indeed. #BBCnews”

“Kid Rock flirting on BBC News is some of the most awkward television you’ll see this year.”

“Not the same league, but shortly after they had Lee Greenwood on who spent no time trying to sell Trump’s range of bibles. Felt like no one knew how to react.”



“KR putting that “Grab em by the pu**y” coursework into action. #MAGA”

“They really are all sex pests aren’t they?”

“Trump called her a lovely girl too years ago in the White House.”

That last commenter had a good memory! Trump did kind of perv on her during his first year in office! Look!

Man, this poor woman can’t just do her job when it comes to these guys. Ick.

[Image via BBC News/Twitter.]

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Jan 20, 2025 14:00pm PDT