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Liam Payne

Witness To Liam Payne's Death Describes Most 'Haunting' Moment Of His Fall

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[Warning: Potentially Triggering Content]

This Liam Payne report is not for the faint of heart.

For their documentary special TMZ Investigates: Liam Payne: Who’s to Blame?, the outlet spoke to a hotel guest who actually witnessed the moment of the singer’s death.

Liam jumped/fell from the balcony of his room at the CasaSur Palermo Hotel in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We’ve since learned this was not an attempt at self harm — as he almost certainly was too high to realize what he was doing and was not conscious at the time he fell. The current thinking is he was actually trying to escape his room after being carried into it. However, at some point on the balcony he lost consciousness and fell about three stories to a deck by the pool.

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CasaSur guest Brett Watson saw the moment for himself. And he’ll never forget it. He told TMZ:

“I was meeting our wedding planner. We had gone up to the room and happened to be looking out of the window of our hotel. We saw Liam fall.”

Watson’s room was on the first floor, meaning he didn’t see the One Direction star leave the room — but he saw the fall. And he saw Liam’s body closer than anyone should have:

“We immediately rushed out on the balcony to see what it was and when we looked down we could see it was Liam lying on the ground. He landed face up so we could tell right away it was him, and he was motionless.”

The moment will live in Watson’s soul forever. Seeing Liam’s broken body sounds truly horrifying — but the worst part wasn’t what we expected:

“I don’t have a medical background but from what I saw it looked like he passed away on impact. Time stopped or slowed down immediately. Seeing anyone just fall like that is heartbreaking but being able to see it happen and hear the impact on the ground which was more haunting than seeing him fall.”

Hearing the impact right outside — we can’t imagine. And we know from the autopsy that Liam didn’t roll with or brace for the impact at all, hence the belief he was not conscious. He must have hit so hard. God, what an awful moment.

Watson added:

“Then seeing the immediate aftermath is something that is burned into my brain and I will never forget and I am still working through processing and understanding everything we saw.”

Liam died from “internal and external hemorrhage,” suffering “multiple traumas” per the preliminary autopsy report. So it must have been so disturbing to see. We don’t want to imagine.

And on your destination wedding vacation, too. Oof.

[Image via MEGA/WENN.]

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Dec 16, 2024 11:30am PDT

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