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Mark Zuckerberg's Neighbors Are Pissed -- What Now??

Mark Zuckerberg
Welp. We wouldn’t expect Mark Zuckerberg‘s neighbors to like anything on his Facebook page anytime soon…
Apparently, a member of Zuck’s San Francisco community is a mission for some change.
According to a letter distributed around the Liberty Hill neighborhood, Zuckerberg’s security team is “illegally” occupying “desirable parking spots” with two silver SUVs near MZ’s $10 million dollar home — making it difficult for other people to find parking.
Related: Mark Is NOT Giving Away His Money!
The main problem with this is the two vehicles never move as there is a guard inside surveying the area — and the cars allegedly don’t have proper permits for parking.
Apparently this isn’t the first time the neighbs have been salty — just before parking became an issue, there was a problem with ongoing construction and noise.
The letter obtained by Buzzfeed reads:

“Hi Neighbors,
I’m sure you all agree that it can be cumbersome living next to Zuck. I think we’ve all tried to be as patient and civil as possible during the very long construction, the noise, the trash, the blocking of streets, etc. Now that all that circus is done, we are left with 2 silver SUV’s permanently occupying desirable parking spots. It goes without saying that living close to Dolores Park and the awesome neighboring districts already creates a challenge when it comes to street parking, so the 2 spots that are illegally being held for Zuck only makes matters worse. We’ve spoken to the security guards and they were cordial but ultimately have been instructed by their supervisors to not move the cars under any circumstances. They acknowledge that they are occupying the space with no turnover and illegally. So, on weekends such as this, I have to park illegally in front of the apartment that I live in full-time and risk the chance of getting an expensive ticket by MTA. Can you all help me raise visibility to this issue? We’ve already spoken to both guards currently on duty, they spoke to their offsite supervisor and I’ve also called [sic] left a message Tim Wenzel (he has yet to call back), the “Residential Security Manager” for Zuck’s ├óΓé¼┬ª home. We’ve also taken pictures of both cars and posted it on SFMTA’s twitter page, along with the local news stations Twitter accounts, our personal facebook accounts and have also created an account and shared this on Nextdoor.
I want to add that Zuck’s guards could park in his driveway or in front of his driveway with no issue but refuse to do so as that is not what they are instructed to do. One of the guards mentioned that she agreed that even from a security standpoint, where the cars are parked don’t give the best vantage points and that she thinks they should be driving around and having a guard posted on both sides of [the street]. All and all, none of this makes any sense. SFMTA requires ALL cars to be moved after 72 hours’ time, and in all residential areas, if cars don’t have parking permits (which currently the guards do not have) and they need to be moved every 2 hours (M-F) within the listed time. When they do move the car is [sic] has to be at least a block away, ensuring turnover. Clearly, none of this is happening.
And, although I do feel bad for the guards when it gets cold or hot, they tend to leave their car engines on day and night which is wasteful and horrible for the environment not to mention noisy in an otherwise quiet neighborhood.”

Additionally, the letter provides contact information for other annoyed neighbors to make their opinions heard.
Although the 31-year-old’s regional security manager didn’t respond, a spokesperson shared:

“The security team’s cars are parked in accordance with local parking laws. The team strives to be sensitive to neighbors’ concerns and regrets any inconvenience.”

We definitely understand the frustration stemmed from difficult parking. And we also understand Zuck’s need for security — especially with the newborn!
There’s gotta be some sort of compromise here??
What do U think, Perezcious readers?
[Image via WENN.]

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Jan 13, 2016 17:04pm PDT