The truth is out there… and Miley Cyrus may have been the one to discover it!
If any of today’s pop princesses was going to make contact with extraterrestrials, Miley… well, yeah, she probably would have been our first guess. Still, we didn’t expect her to reveal an actual alien encounter in her conversation with designer Rick Owens for Interview magazine!
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The conversation centered around Owens’ experimental collaboration with Moncler, which saw him traveling across the desert in a custom tour bus. When the artist mentioned he’d stopped in Area 51, Miley asked if he believed in “extraterrestrial beings.” Owens replied:
“I don’t really, but it seems a little arrogant to assume there’s nobody else but us.”
When he turned the question back to the Disney alum, she had a very different story. A personal experience! She shared:
“I had an experience, actually. I was driving through San Bernardino with my friend, and I got chased down by some sort of UFO. I’m pretty sure about what I saw, but I’d also bought weed wax from a guy in a van in front of a taco shop, so it could have been the weed wax.”
LOLz! Probably an important disclaimer!
But that wasn’t the end of the tale. She continued:
“But the best way to describe it is a flying snowplow. It had this big plow in the front of it and was glowing yellow. I did see it flying, and my friend saw it, too. There were a couple of other cars on the road and they also stopped to look, so I think what I saw was real.”
The singer added:
“I was shaken for, like, five days. It f**ked me up. … I couldn’t really look at the sky the same. I thought they might come back.”
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Asked by Owens if she felt “threatened,” the 27-year-old responded:
“I didn’t feel threatened at all, actually, but I did see a being sitting in the front of the flying object. It looked at me and we made eye contact, and I think that’s what really shook me, looking into the eyes of something that I couldn’t quite wrap my head around. But you’re so right to say that it’s a form of narcissism to think that we’re the only things that could be in this vast universe.”
Uhh… WTF?
Miley isn’t the only member of the Cyrus family to tout a UFO sighting, but to be “chased down” and make eye contact with an alien!? Don’t get us wrong, we want to believe as much as the next person, but this is pretty hard to swallow!
What do U think, Perezcious readers? Did Miley make contact with extraterrestrials? Or was she just seeing things in the Midnight Sky thanks to some drug use? Let us know your thoughts in the comments (below)!
[Image via WENN/Avalon]
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