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Miss Teen USA Karlie Hay WILL Keep Her Title Despite Extensive N-Word Usage -- See The Pageant's Official Ruling!

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Well, she’s keeping her crown…
Despite the rampant and wild social media backlash on Sunday, new Miss Teen USA pageant winner Karlie Hay will NOT lose her crown despite having been shown to publicly use racist language in her past.
Related: Miss Florida USA Just Lost Her Title!
After the flood of tweets and other very public criticisms of the teenaged pageant queen being crowned Miss Teen USA, the Miss Universe Organization has now officially stepped in with a statement about the issue, saying:

“The language Karlie Hay used is unacceptable at any age and in no way reflects the values of The Miss Universe Organization. As Karlie stated, she was in a different place in her life and made a serious mistake she regrets and for which she sincerely apologizes. Karlie learned many lessons through those personal struggles that reshaped her life and values. We as an organization are committed to supporting her continued growth.”

In other words, they don’t think she’s a racist… anymore.
Mistake, regret, struggles, redemption, blah blah blah, OK. Fine. We get it.
But should she really keep her crown despite this?! Or maybe would stripping her of the title actually teach her and other young girls that look up to her a lesson?!
We mean, if you commit a crime, being sorry doesn’t keep you from going to jail, right?
Let us know what U think in the comments (below)!
[Image via Instagram.]

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Aug 01, 2016 12:49pm PDT