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Michael Vick

More Info On Vick Pulling Out Of Oprah's Show

Possible Reasons For Vick Cancellation
Okay, so the big question is why did Michael Vick decide at the last minute to not go on Oprah‘s show, after already filming some things with her?
There is some speculation rolling in that it could have to do with the new owners of his former pets, even PETA, or both.
Richard Hunter, one of the adopters, who has his own radio show reveals:

“One of the adopters was contacted by one of Oprah’s producers Tuesday night, who said there was preliminary interest in doing something with the dogs. Then, that same night, Vick’s rep told Oprah’s producers he was backing out [of the interview]. It would certainly be a coincidence if one didn’t have something to do with the other.”

And on the idea that PETA was involved:

“Oprah was our Person of the Year in 2009 for championing the causes against factory farming and fur. However, PETA President Ingrid Newkirk, who met privately with Michael Vick, wrote to Oprah with a concern over her upcoming interview. We wanted to make sure that Oprah does not fall for the trick that Vick tried on PETA, saying that, to him, ‘pet’ dogs were different from the ‘avatars’ used in his fighting pit.”

Wow. It looks like both of these could be plausible, along with indications that Vick was pressured by his team!
We might never know unless Vick himself speaks up and gives us something more than “personal reasons.”
What happened to those dogs was absolutely terrible, and we’re disappointed that we didn’t get to see Oprah work her interview magic and see if he’s really reformed or not!
[Image via WENN.]

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Feb 21, 2011 09:00am PDT

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