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Hollywood Is NOT Happy About The Clearing Of Occupy Wall Street

They are not happy one damn bit!
Early this morning, the Occupy Wall Street encampment at Zuccotti Park was raided and emptied by order of the Mayor, who insisted that the protesters had squatted in the public area long enough and had the police remove them all from the park. Still, his measures of dispersing them really didn’t take, as groups have reassembled all over the city, claiming that their First Amendment right was ignore in this action.
While the City of New York might be standing it’s ground against the movement, Hollywood seems more than willing to support it, as many high profiled celebs tweeted their disappointment with Bloomberg for choosing to carry things out this way.
Here are just a few of the tweets sent out this morning about the events:

Alec Baldwin: Bloomberg’s NY is no place for the 1st amendment. Bloomberg serves Wall Street, now and forever. And Wall Street cannot handle free speech.
Michael Moore: #OWS: Go to Foley Square right now to regroup. Centre and Worth Sts.
Russell Simmons: ths morning my prayers R w/ the #ows group but my body is on way 2 boston 2 push forward on ending wallstreets control.
Mark Ruffalo: #mikebloomberg deals blow to First Amendment by raiding Zuccati park at 1am with riot police. Bars press from watching. Destroys library#Ows
Colin Hanks: Disappointed to be reading about what is happening right now in NYC…
Eli Roth: All the anger against corruption has pitted NYC’s finest against its citizens. It’s all so painful to watch from afar. Stay strong NYC #OWS
Questo of The Roots: just wakin up. based on The NYPD tt, can i guess that all didn’t go down smooth last at #ows

Overall, we’re just glad no on got hurt in all this. That’s really what we care about. Each side has their priorities and their responsibilities, but please, let’s just make sure this doesn’t get violent.
[Image via WENN.]

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Nov 15, 2011 15:10pm PDT