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Seriously? Did A High School Really Just Ban Leggings So Boys Wouldn't Get Distracted?

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Let us begin this by saying that anyone who takes away a female’s ability to don comfy leg coverings should be forced to wear burlap every day for the rest of their lives…
Now on to the story!
According to reports, Devils Lake High School in North Dakota is imposing a new dress code that bans their female students from wearing tight skinny jeans, leggings or yoga pants to school — because it’s “distracting” to the boys and teachers.
Mmhmm… we all know what distracting means!
Rumors also surfaced that the assistant principal, who’s enforcing the outfit guidelines, made the female student body watch two clips from Pretty Woman to to drive home the point…
Which basically means a public school funded by the community’s tax dollars were comparing its students’ bottoms to a prostitute’s clothing — minus a very handsome Richard Gere!
So busted!
Even better, a female parent to one of the male students is taking the ladies side on this matter:

“A lot of the parents went on Facebook and we were discussing it. They were talking about how they think the boys should be able to control themselves and the girls should be able to wear the leggings and the jeggings and you know, the squirts and stuff. And, when I was in high school, I think we wore a little bit more provocative clothing.”

We’re currently at a loss for words about this entire thing, and cannot understand why an entire school is changing policy because the males allegedly can’t control themselves!
Maybe we should tweet at some #FreeTheNipple ladies to really shake things up in North Dakota!

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Oct 03, 2014 19:28pm PDT

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