Princess Anne is the original royal rebel! (Well, of the last half-century anyway…)
The forward-thinking woman was an Olympic athlete in the ’70s (she competed in the equestrian sport of eventing) and was even the first royal to appear as a contestant on a TV quiz show in the ’80s! So she knows a thing or two about bucking tradition.
Related: Anne Actually SHRUGGED At Donald Trump & The Queen Last Year
However, as she has watched the decisions Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have made this year, she says she’s now become “the boring old fuddy-duddy at the back saying, ‘Don’t forget the basics.'”
In a rare new interview with Vanity Fair, she makes a blanket statement about “this younger generation” of royals, but it’s pretty clear to whom she’s referring. She jabs:
“I don’t think this younger generation probably understands what I was doing in the past and it’s often true, isn’t it? You don’t necessarily look at the previous generation and say, ‘Oh, you did that?’ Or, ‘You went there?’ Nowadays, they’re much more looking for, ‘Oh let’s do it a new way.’ And I’m already at the stage, ‘Please do not reinvent that particular wheel. We’ve been there, done that. Some of these things don’t work. You may need to go back to basics.'”
As we said, Princess Anne is one who would know. Like Harry, she wanted her children to have a more private life. But rather than step away from her own royal duties she simply chose not to give her kids HRH titles at birth. And Peter Phillips and Zara Tindall have apparently never regretted it! She shares:
“I think it was probably easier for them, and I think most people would argue that there are downsides to having titles. So I think that was probably the right thing to do.”
Could Harry just have kept son Archie out of it instead of leaving altogether? Well, his relationship with an American actress was always going to be more tabloid fodder, so perhaps not.
Well, HRH or not, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are still working to do good in the world.
When their fairy tale wedding was broadcast on the BBC, it was a huge ratings bonanza. At the time all that profit from ad revenue was promised to the charity of the couple’s choosing, and now that time has come. And they’ve chosen Feeding Britain, an organization which works to eliminate hunger in the UK.
On Wednesday a spokesperson for Meghan and Harry confirmed they had given more than $112,000 to the charity, saying:
“They are delighted to be able to ensure this money is donated to such a great cause.”
The coronavirus pandemic has had a devastating effect on those in poverty as most can’t work while quarantined at home — so these kinds of charities are more important than ever.
So at least they’re getting that part right!
[Image via Dutch Press Photo/WENN/Instar.]
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