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Not So Merry Christmas For Ridley Scott! Exodus: Gods & Kings Has Been Banned In Egypt!

exodus gods kings banned egypt
Poor Ridley Scott! He just wanted to make a movie about Gods and Kings! LOL!
Turns out his film Exodus, which stars Christian Bale, has been BANNED in Egypt due to a number of “historical inaccuracies,” according to their government!
YIKES! That’s harsh!
[ Video: Christian Bale Gets With EVERYONE In Knights Of Cups Trailer! ]
According to the head of the Egyptian state censorship board Abdul Sattar Fathi, the film is not fit to be shown in their country at ALL.
He said:

“One of the key historical mistakes made by this film is that it claims the Jews were the ones who built the Pyramids. The film treats Moses as an army general, not as a prophet. Furthermore, it shows ancient Egyptians as a mob group persecuting peaceful Jews. Our board has refused this out of respect for Egyptians’ feelings.”

Gaber Asfour, Egypt’s minister of culture, was seemingly in favor of the showing of the film, but changed his mind.
How do we know? He was quoted as saying:

“[The film] totally contradicts proven historical facts [and] gives a Zionist view of history and contains historical inaccuracies and that’s why we have decided to ban it.”

SHEESH! Looks like this film may end up being (almost) as controversial as The Interview!
We’re sure the Biblical epic will do well enough in other countries that it won’t matter to the stars; but how do most Egyptians feel about their government telling them what they can and can’t watch?
Do U think the Egyptian government should have the right to ban movies they find offensive??

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Dec 26, 2014 19:20pm PDT

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