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Desperate Savannah Chrisley Sucking Up To Trump So He'll Pardon Her Dad, Says Insider!

Desperate Savannah Chrisley Is Only Kissing Donald Trump's Ass So He'll Pardon Her Dad, Says Insider!

It’s no secret Savannah Chrisley wants her parents out of prison. But what is new is an insider’s claim that her presence at the Republican National Convention this week was a calculated attempt to get Donald Trump to pardon them!

As you’ll recall, we reported on Wednesday about how the Chrisley Knows Best star delivered a fiery speech at the RNC. She slammed justice system officials in Georgia for supposedly persecuting her parents Todd and Julie Chrisley (who are currently serving time after being convicted of bank fraud and tax evasion). And she recounted with pride a moment where a prosecutor called her family “the Trumps of the South.” All this with Trump in attendance, mind you.

Related: Savannah Chrisley Says Mom Julie Got Physically Ill In Prison From THIS!

But now, an insider is sounding the alarm that Sav only aligned herself with Trump for a potential pardon should he be elected in November! That source tipped off about the motivations behind the Sassy By Savannah mogul’s speech by explaining:

“Savannah pulled some serious strings to get on that stage. She wasn’t just asked by Trump because she is a supporter. Yes, she is a Republican, but she used what is left of her star power and her connections to be able to get up on that stage and deliver a speech to millions.”

Oof. The shaaaaaade in saying “what is left of her star power.” Ouch!!

The insider went on to claim that Savannah was exclusively linking her parents’ plight to Trump’s  to get them out of prison:

“This was by far her largest platform. She did this solely to kiss Trump’s ass with one end goal in mind — she wants a pardon from him for her parents.”

And that source finished up by claiming the speech and any possible Trump pardon push is a “last-ditch effort” after realizing there is nothing more for her to do that’ll get Todd sprung from the fed:

“Savannah knew exactly what she was doing. She has realized that there is nothing she can do anymore to get Todd out of prison and she is desperate. This is a last-ditch effort for her.”


What do U make of these claims?! Was Savannah’s speech solely to get Trump’s attention for a future pardon?? Will it work? Crucially, is anyone else supporting Trump for the same reason…? Sound OFF with your reactions in the comments (below)!

[Image via Nicky Nelson/WENN/Fox News/YouTube/Savannah Chrisley/YouTube]

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Jul 18, 2024 18:03pm PDT