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Student Raises Over $50,000 For A Homeless Man Who Offered To Pay Her Cab Fare

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This is so thoughtful!
Dominique Harrison-Bentzen needed to hail a cab in the early morning hours of December 4th, but she didn’t have any cash and lost her bank card. So, a homeless man, Robbie, offered to pay roughly $5 of her fare so she’d safely get home.
Touched by his generosity, the 22-year-old University of Central Lancashire student has set up crowdfunding pages to help the homeless man get back on his feet.
And she’s raised over $50,000!
Apparently, Robbie consistently does kind things for people, like offering his scarf to chilly passersby, and returning their lost wallets untouched. He’s also been homeless for only seven months, largely because he has no address and can’t get a job.
The money raised will go toward getting Robbie into a flat of his own, so that this kind man can get his life back on track.
If you feel inclined to help him out, you can do so HERE.
We really admire Dominique for helping this man, but we admire Robbie even more for never losing his kind heart, even in sad circumstances.
[Image via Facebook.]

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Dec 20, 2014 14:31pm PDT

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