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Wendy Williams' Struggles With Weight & Drugs Are Far More Painful Than You Thought, But 50 Has Brought Her A New Lease On Life!

wendy williams body issues people mag
Bow down to the talk show QUEEN of sass!
Media legend Wendy Williams loves to put on an ├â┬╝ber confident air when she’s on the radio or in front of cameras…
But that humor and HIGHlarious attitude is hiding some serious inner struggles she’s been dealing with since the age of 6.
In the new interview, Miz Williams confessed that weight and dieting have always been a huge part of her life, from a scary young age:

“Honestly, my life before 21 sucked. My first diet was in the first grade! Tuna fish and mustard with yogurt on the side. Weight was a big thing for me to overcome. When I look back I was a little fluffy, but I wasn’t fat.”

She also shared the various issues (including cocaine usage) she’s had to leap over, before giving birth to her miracle baby Kevin Jr., 13:

“Drugs were a demon I had to overcome. There was a hiccup with a couple of miscarriages. Life is hard on us women.”

But with all these tests and challenges, comes life lessons and positively, right?!
Wendy is happier than ever after turning 50 in July, and still can’t believe the success she achieved:

“I’ve corrected just about everything that bothered the hell out of me in my twenties, thirties and forties. I have to say, this is not how I thought things would turn out. I’m sober, I’ve got my Kevins, my parents are still around to see my success. I knew life would turn out OK, but I didn’t think it’d turn out great.”

She’s so great!
We’re sure sharing her struggle will help so many more women facing battles!!
[Image via MILLER MOBLEY/People]

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Aug 07, 2014 22:02pm PDT

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