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Holly Madison & Bridget Marquardt HIT BACK At Crystal Hefner For 'Legal Bullying' Over Podcast Comments -- See Their Receipts!

Holly Madison Accuses Crystal Hefner of ‘Legal Bullying’

Holly Madison is speaking out after Crystal Hefner hit her with a cease and desist!

As Perezcious readers know, Crystal took up legal action against Holly and her co-host Bridget Marquardt for a May episode of their podcast Girls Next Level with Hugh Hefner‘s son Marston, which included all kinds of allegations about how she treated the publisher as his health declined. Among those allegations was a claim she kept the businessman “doped up” on drugs in his final years. Crystal vehemently denied such a thing and sent the legal docs to Holly and the others to get them to stop spreading those kinds of rumors.

Holly hit back online earlier this week by laughing at the document — and even pretending to use it as toilet paper! But now she has WAY more to say, and she brought Bridget along!

Related: Holly Reveals Disgusting ‘Makeshift Lube’ Situation At Playboy Mansion!

In an exclusive clip posted to their show’s Patreon and obtained by TMZ on Friday, Holly insisted she’s “not backing down” while calling the cease and desist warning “legal bullying.” Confirming all three participants in the episode got a cease and desist letter, the model joked:

“I got some toilet paper delivered. Just when I was out of toilet paper, somebody decided to send a cease and desist my way!”

LOLz! Holly also said all three members of the episode shared the recording with their attorneys to get it approved before releasing the final product. So, they thought they were in the clear and still believe they did nothing wrong:

“We were obnoxiously careful. We’re not stupid… we’re not going to say anything on the podcast that’s lawsuit-worthy.”

Clearly pissed about the legal doc, Bridget complained, “it is wild because there’s accusations in the cease and desist that we said things that we never said.” Specifically, they both honed in on the allegation Crystal kept Hef “doped up.” Holly explained:

“My favorite thing they said in the cease and desist was that allegedly we said that she was involved in quote-unquote doping up Hef. If I remember correctly, in the podcast, Marston said he was a little bit disturbed at the amount of medication his father was receiving. But he said, you know, when you’re that rich and powerful, there’s always gonna be someone to write you that prescription. […] I took that to mean as he just felt like when you have that kind of access, there’s always gonna be a doctor somewhere who’s gonna maybe give you a little too much if you want it. I didn’t think that had anything to do with cease and desist lady.”

FWIW, Marston spent much of the episode slamming his stepmother, calling her a “master manipulator.” Because of that, it’s not crazy for people to think he was talking about the widow amid the drug accusations. But here’s the full claim he made:

“That’s why she got all these NDA things. According to [Crystal], she didn’t want people to see him not able to walk, not able to talk … People can’t say no to these people. They didn’t say no, so they f**kin’ doped him up whenever he wanted to get doped up. He wasn’t here. He was so doped up he didn’t know what was going on.”

The vague “they” certainly helps Holly and Bridget’s case, even though it does seem a little iffy in context. Hear the full convo (below):

Regardless of what was said, the Playboy alums are mostly upset their Girls Next Door co-star is coming after their right to free speech, Holly continued:

“I’m not backing down. Because here’s how I feel about this. There’s a thing that I like to call ‘legal bullying,’ when people who think they’re richer than everybody else pay their attorneys to send cease and desists to people to shut them up. […] You’re trying to intimidate somebody into shutting up.”

Yeah, so, this feud is never going to end — cause they aren’t shutting up! We wonder if Crystal will really sue them if this continues?! If so, this is about to get super messy!

In the meantime, check out Holly and Bridget’s full reaction to the legal matter (below):

Whose side are YOU on, Perezcious readers? Does Crystal have a right to be upset? Did they imply she was the one being accused of mistreating Hef? Sound OFF (below).

[Image via Girls Next Level/YouTube & FayesVision/WENN]

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Jun 14, 2024 12:40pm PDT