Things remain up in the air for Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes when it comes to their Good Morning America punishment!
The GMA3 co-anchors were “temporarily” pulled from the show in December after news of their affair broke. ABC News president Kim Godwin revealed in a staff memo that Amy and T.J. were taken off the air “pending the completion of an internal review” into whether or not the couple violated company policies. Since then, there has been a lot of talk of whether their temporary removal from the show will become permanent – especially as reports of T.J.’s affairs with other employees, including with a young intern, and how he would “terrorize” production staff have come out.
Related: T.J.’s Ex Marilee Fiebig Shares Post About ‘Worried’ Children Amid Divorce
At one point, a source told People he and Amy had “not been terminated,” but there’s a strong chance they’d never return to their on-air gigs:
“There are no negotiations about their future. ABC is completing their investigation. While it is unlikely they will return in the capacity they were in — the longer time goes on, it becomes less likely they will return — there are still open lines of communication and further discussions are being had about what will happen.”
But soon after the report, sources told The Sun the hosts were definitely getting the boot from GMA3, and they’re already working out their “exit strategy.” No official announcements about Amy and T.J. being fired (or really updates about the investigation at all) have been made at this time — and there may be a big reason for that! Because it turns out that after nearly two months since they were taken off the air, ABC executives may actually have no idea what to do!
According to People on Wednesday, a source explained that the execs aren’t able to fire Amy and T.J., so they’re stuck trying to “figure out what degree of punishment is appropriate” instead:
“A lot of higher ups at the show think they should be fired. But the problem is they can’t fire them so they’re really in trouble and trying to figure it out.”
Why can’t they fire them? Did they technically not break their contracts? Hmm…
Of course, who knows what alternate punishment they’ll hand out to the two journalists if they aren’t allowed to get rid of them from the show, but we can imagine Amy and T.J. won’t like it no matter what! While higher-ups struggle with making a decision about the consequences for the affair scandal, T.J. and Amy are pretty upset by the whole ordeal. In fact, another insider shared with the outlet that they think “the situation sucks.” And they’ve already reportedly lawyered up. Hmm…
Hopefully, execs figure out a plan soon because everyone — especially Amy and T.J. — just want to know what will happen at this point! Thoughts, Perezcious readers? Do you believe they should be fired? Let us know in the comments below!
[Image via Good Morning America/YouTube]
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