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Azealia Banks

Azealia Banks Continues To Tell Her Side Of The Story While Sources Say The Rapper's Assault Accusations Against Russell Crowe Are 'Completely Inconsistent'

Azealia Banks and Russell Crowe
What a mess.
Not so surprisingly, Azealia Banks has reached out to multiple outlets to share her side of the story as to what went down in Russell Crowe‘s Beverly Hills Hotel room over the weekend.
While the A-list celeb and all of the witness — including RZA, who invited Banks — discredit the rapper’s account, the 25-year-old insists The Nice Guys actor choked her, spit on her, and called her the N-word while kicking her out of the party.
Talking to The Sun, the controversial artist claims:

“I think [Russell] he’s a racist, misogynist pig. This is a stain on me. My ├é┬¡femininity feels stained. I feel stained as a woman, I feel mishandled, I feel mistreated, I feel dirty. I feel very f*cking low. Russell had moonshine on the table, and then Russell calls for whisky, so then they just start mixing them up. You know, moonshine, whisky, vodka, and smoking cigarettes and smoking weed. Russell and I get next to each other. He’s talking to me, I’m talking to him, and we start flirting. We’re having a really good time. He’s got his knee on my knee, he’s touching my leg, I’m playing him my music, he tweets my song The Big Big Beat. He’s like, ├óΓé¼╦£I love this, you’re ├é┬¡beautiful, this is great.’ So the party goes on. But there was one girl who I guess was his girlfriend. She gets next to me and I guess this is just her chance to try and size me up and see what I’m about. And she’s in my ear and she’s like, ├óΓé¼╦£Yeah, Russell thinks you’re so hot.’ And I was like, ├óΓé¼╦£Oh, really? Well that’s on you girl.’ You know, I’m not here for that.”

Related: Azealia Gets Emotional Discussing Her Feud With Zayn Malik
She later adds that Crowe made a racial slur after a supposed heated conversation with the female guest:

“‘Well, you wouldn’t even get close enough to get the chance, n*****.’ And he says the word n***** so, like, quietly, under his breath. He calls me a n*****, and then grabs me, picks me up, he chokes me by the throat, picks me up, throws me out of the room and then spits on me.”

Meanwhile, a source tells that Miz Banks story has continued to change ever since she filed a police report — and in fact, she was the one behaving erratically and using foul language.
The insider explained:

“There were ten people present at the time this incident occurred. They have all provided statements. All of their statements are completely inconsistent with Ms. Banks. Per all of the witnesses, her erratic behavior and abusive language scared everyone there. Her bizarre antics culminated in her practically lunging across the table with a glass in her hand while threatening to slice the throats of at least two people. No one called her the N-word. She was yelling the N-word at everyone else.”


“Russell behaved like a hero. He acted in defense of his guests and removed her from his suite by putting her in a bear hug and picking her up. The person who invited her – RZA – has provided a statement to police which is consistent with that of all the other witnesses. Banks’ story has changed dramatically since Sunday. On Sunday, her only contention was that Russell called her the N-word. He did not call her that. She demanded an apology and threatened to go to the police until she got one. Her story has grown and become more involved with each passing day.”

Speaking of RZA, it turns out that A.B. feels betrayed by the record producer — and has shut down all negotiations with his music label.
You can watch Azealia give another account of the events — and slam the “chump” RZA — in the interview with TMZ HERE.
With so much he-said, (and even more) she-said going around… we look forward to the truth coming out!
[Image via WENN.]

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Oct 19, 2016 11:06am PDT