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Dam It!! Beaver Keeps Rebuilding Damn Dam, Constantly Gets In Road Crew's Way!

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A road crew in Washington is locked in an epic battle against a powerful foe:
A tenacious beaver!!
The crew has had to remove a beaver dam three times since August!
One of the dams was 40-feet-long and 3-feet-high!! Cray cray!!
The dams are near Port Orchard, across from Seattle. The problem, according to Jacques Dean, Kitsap County Roads Superintendent, is the water threatens to undermine bridge abutments.
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But Jacques does appreciate the tenacious animal and is impressed by his work ethic.
So instead of just going out into the wilderness, butt naked, with nothing but a sharpened tree branch to try and hunt the beast, Jacques took a different approach…
The county spent $15,000 to hire a beaver trapper!
Check out the video (below) to learn a little more about this persistent beaver.

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Oct 04, 2014 10:02am PDT

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