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Beekman Boys

Beekman Boys Holiday Tips: Thin Cookies!

Holidays are simply not the time for sacrificing – especially when it comes down to the treats you grew up loving to share with your family. Unfortunately most of us don’t have the same metabolisms we did when we were eight years old, and instead of looking for Santa, we wind up looking like Santa by Christmas Eve.
Here on the farm don’t believe in artificial sweeteners or processed diet foods, so we’ve developed some healthy, natural ways to enjoy our favorite holiday noshing without resorting to poking new notches in our belts.
Thin cookies = thin you. This is really the easiest solution for coping with holiday cookies. When you’re rolling out your gingerbread, or sugar cookie dough, roll it thinner! That’s right. A cookie that is half as thick has half the calories. (Be sure to lessen the cooking time accordingly, though. Thinner dough will cook faster.) Even better: use smaller cookie cutters as well.
The Beekman Boys are two NYC guys who bought a farm and are sharing their experiment in living better lives, season by season, neighbor by neighbor. Check out their website HERE and follow them on Twitter HERE! If U have any more questions about holiday recipes, U can always email us at [email protected]!!!

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Dec 12, 2012 20:00pm PDT

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