Could this be the end of Billie Eilish‘s social media reign?
Maybe, because the performer just admitted that the massive, not to mention record-breaking, amount of attention her Vogue cover shoot received last week makes her NEVER want to post online again!
The stunning photos, as you know doubt recall, stunned fans around the world as the pop star (known for baggy clothing and jet-black hair with green roots) appeared in sexy, slim-fitting clothes and blonde hair. It was a totally new look for her totally new sound! Pretty amazing to witness the Grammy winner transform in front of all of our eyes — but the reveal also caused a lot of controversy online.
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On Monday night, Billie admitted to Stephen Colbert that she never expected the hype her magazine issue received, and that has made her question how she acts on social media. The vocalist shared on The Late Show:
“I do get excited [by that level of attention]. I think it more just makes me never want to post again… I feel like I wanted to post more when less people cared, and now that more people care, I don’t know. It’s scary to me.”
With all that fear did come some pretty “amazing” responses, too — like the fact she broke the record for fastest Instagram pic to receive a million likes, back to back!

The songwriter also spilled that the last time she appeared on the late night TV show (which was just two months prior) she was actually wearing a “Billie Eilish wig” because she had already started her blonde transition!
“I was just as blonde then as I am now. I was wearing a Billie Eilish wig. I was, I was, I was. I have pictures from that day… that I took right before that with fully blonde hair and the exact same outfit.”
LOLz! We love the commitment to the big reveal! It must have felt crazy to be able to buy a Halloween costume of her own hairstyle!
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Luckily, the songwriter seems to be taking the extra fame in strides because, despite some hesitations to post online, the teenager noted:
“It’s been crazy. It’s been a very weird, surreal week.”
We can bet! But as for that controversy we mentioned before, the ocean eyes megastar wasn’t naive enough to think her corset look wouldn’t shock some. She even discussed body positivity in the magazine, guessing how haters might react to her style, saying:
“‘If you’re about body positivity, why would you wear a corset? Why wouldn’t you show your actual body?’ My thing is that I can do whatever I want. It’s all about what makes you feel good. If you want to get surgery, go get surgery. If you want to wear a dress that somebody thinks that you look too big wearing, f**k it — if you feel like you look good, you look good.”
A great message!! Hopefully Billie can take this “f**k it” attitude into her social media presence and not stress too much over the the millions of users waiting to like her next post. Watch her full interview (below) to hear more!
Reactions, Perezcious readers? Do you find it kind of sad the performer is scared to return to IG after her success? Or is it good she’s admitting that some aspects of her life just aren’t that normal, and she doesn’t have to love it all? Let us know your thoughts in the comments (below)!
[Image via Billie Eilish/Instagram]