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Bradley Cooper

Bradley Cooper Talks Mental Illness & The Stigmas For Those Suffering!

bradley cooper silver linings play book mental health stigmas help veterans
If there’s a perfect man out there, it just might be Bradley Cooper. Well, as long as he got over the whole being suuuuuper into feet thing!
Check it out — Bradley played a mentally ill character in his amazingly reviewed Silver Linings Playbook. It wasn’t an easy character to take on, so he did his homework… and he met many people who are going through similar situations. People have even come up to him to tell him how much they related!!
So Bradley ended up learning a lot, and here’s what he has to say about it:

“I’ve gone around to many cities around the country and people are talking about, how, ‘I actually feel like this film sees who I am.’
“It’s heavily stigmatized. It’s not a very treatable disease. It’s a condition, if we liken it to cancer, diagnosed at stage four, well…that’s way too late. So hopefully, a movie like this will help it become, you know, [more treatable] in the onset.
“That’s the best part about this thing is that it’s able to reach out and make people feel included.”

Bradley will even be doing Q&As after screening of the movie, and most notably for about 50 military vets, many suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C.!!
So amazing!
[Image via WENN.]

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Feb 01, 2013 11:32am PDT