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Britney Spears

Britney Will Effing Kill You!


THIS is why we love her!

Britney‘s life is an out-of-control mess. It goes from bad to worse to ridiculously bad and only keeps heading in that direction.

The former pop star is under attack by the very people that make a living from her – the paparazzi.

Two photographers from the Flynet photo agency that were involved in an altercation with Spears and her bodyguard in Las Vegas last week released a statement on Tuesday, a precursor for what could possibly be a lawsuit.

The paparazzi claim that Britney threatened their lives after they took pictures of her leaving a spa at the Wynn Hotel.

She reportedly screamed “I am going to kill you! I am going to fucking kill you!,” at Andrew Deetz, the photog who was allegedly beaten by Spears’ bodyguard.

They claim that in front of several other hotel guests and bystanders, Spears threatened to kill Deetz and said he should get a restraining order against her because she was going to kill him or hire someone that would.

Deetz and his partner in crime, fellow photog Kyle Henderson, have retained legal counsel. And we’re sure they’re gonna put them to good use!

[Image via Celebrity Babylon.]

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Jul 31, 2007 20:36pm PDT

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